Friday, September 3, 2010

The final push

My day off the bike in Boston was great. I spent the morning drinking coffee and reading in Bob and Alphonse's backyard garden. Bob and I then had great Indian food for lunch. I walked around downtown and went into some great shops. I got a pair of air jordan's for $50 in karmaloop and went into bodagga. That shop looks like a plain corner store from the outside and when you first walk in. You then walk over to a snapple machine, wave your hand and it slides open to reveal a really awesome shop with limited edition shoes, deadstock ballcaps and great books.
I then headed over to my friend Jeanett's house just before she headed out to bikes not bombs. I dropped my bags and biked to meet a friend from chamonix this past winter. We all met up later in the night and I stayed up past midnight!
The next morning I headed out, going slow at first but picked up speed as the day went on, I was reenergized as I hit the coast and went into New Hampshire. The towns that I hit as I came to the coast were classic Americana. The old arcades with 80's sunfires parked outside made me nostalgic for a time I've only seen in movies. The fact that it was all outdated and the people were all leather skinned from to many goodtimes in the sun were different from the movie sceens.
I camped out that night and was along the coast most of the next day as I crossed into Maine. I expected a 70 mile day but as I approached Portland I realized I would have to go much further. I finished in the dark as I came to a campground at 96 miles.
Yesterday was the first time that the 90+ heat got to me, before that I just felt hot, yesterday I was miserable. I finished at 75 miles and spent the evening chatting with some old men as I charged my phone in one of their campers.
Last night I really started to want to get home, I have had fun but could use some human interaction and nice sleep. I tried to have a huge ride today and left camp before 7 this morning. The weather while hot was not as oppressive as in the past few days. Mid afternoon the heat started to give way as the wind picked up. I had two quick meals and was able to break the century mark and rode 116.46 miles with an average speed of 13.07 mph. I arrived in machias, Me and am staying at the motor inn. I told the manager what I was up to and they gave me my room for free tonight. I asked the guy at the desk what was open and he offered me his car if I wanted to drive and get something. I declined but was blown away.
Tomorrow i will try for home mid morning as long as hurricane Earl is calm enough for me to ride. I sure hope it is, I am really looking forward to arriving.

Location:Main St,Machias,United States

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